Plastic measurement posts

Cathodic protection

Besides stainless steel measurement posts, Merrem & la Porte also supplies PP/PE measurement posts for cathodic protection. Measurement posts are used to test the status of cathodic protection. No matter what kind of construction you have, there is always a suitable measurement post available for your CP system.

The difference between stainless steel and PP/PE measurement posts

At Merrem & la Porte, we offer both stainless steel and PP/PE measurement posts. Generally, a PP/PE measurement post provides more space for cables and electronics. Additionally, a PP/PE measurement post stands out more. Furthermore, the measurement posts mainly differ in their response to the environment in which they are placed. A stainless steel measurement post is more resistant to damage (such as damage from lawnmowers), while a PP/PE measurement post is less affected by electrochemical reactions. Our team is ready to advise you on the best choice for your situation.

PP/PE measurement post for cathodic protection

A measurement post is used to collect data about the status of cathodic protection. It is crucial to properly maintain a CP system to prevent overprotection or underprotection. Measurement posts are set up to perform measurements on a CP system. Inside these measurement posts are measurement wires connected to an underground object. Measurements can be performed via the measurement post.

Remote monitoring

A measurement post enables remote monitoring. Applications of cathodic protection become reliable and useful only when the operation of the installation is checked. If the check is not performed and a malfunction occurs, timely intervention cannot be carried out. This can lead to corrosion at that moment. In many cases, periodic corrosion checks are therefore required. Consider, for example, storage tanks and pipelines. There are various forms of interference that cause irregularities in cathodic protection. As a result, it may be necessary to continuously measure the voltage on the cathode.


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